Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Madison's 1st Day Of Pre-K

Madison started Pre-K a couple of weeks ago. She attends her pre-k classes at Celebrations Child Care Ministry (the same place she goes to for daycare) So far she LOVES it. She was very excited today because they had a field trip to the library for story time! Too cute. Madison loves being at school and playing with all of her friends and classmates. She had grown up so much it the past year alone- not just physically but mentally as well. She is talking so grown up and the stuff she says just cracks us up......sometimes she sounds more like a teenager than a preschooler. She will always be our sweet baby girl. Hard to think that in a year she will be starting kindergarten...........now I feel old.


Anonymous said...

Love the backpack...whoever bought it has GREAT taste...:)

Jessica Noelle said...

The kids have grown up so fast! They are so cute!